Case study

Archirodon engineers save 3,000 man-hours per month with AI Assistant

Applying GPTs to highly complex engineering data


AI & Generative AI


OpenAI | AI | LLM | Azure

Archirodon engineers save 3,000 man-hours per month with AI Assistant

The Archirodon Group is a leading multinational engineering and construction firm with a global presence in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the United States. Known for their expertise in marine construction, excavation, land reclamation, and heavy industrial projects, Archirodon continuously seeks innovative solutions to maintain its competitive edge.

Archirodon partnered with Satori Analytics to improve efficiency, tackling the time-consuming nature of their engineering processes in which engineers spend considerable time searching through vast archives of technical documentation to find important information.

Our collaboration streamlined these processes, enhancing productivity and enabling faster access to critical information. For this joint success we won the 2024 Cloud Computing Award in the Artificial Intelligence category.

The Solution

Satori Analytics implemented a cutting-edge AI Engineering Assistant for Archirodon, leveraging advanced Azure OpenAI (LLM) and Cognitive Services technology.

This advanced solution features a user-friendly, natural-language chat interface, allowing engineers to retrieve precise information from vast technical documentation archives with simple questions. Unlike conventional keyword searches, this system enables engineers to ask comprehensive questions and follow-up queries, receiving accurate responses along with source references.

Since it is fully grounded in the underlying documentation, it doesn’t hallucinate.

Because the AI Assistant searches through complex engineering documents, the solution had to take the standard GPT capabilities and RAG search technology to the next level. The system deals with hundreds of documents, often hundreds of pages long. It handles multiple versions of documents, making sure the resulting information is always correct and up to date. Likewise, it can provide correct answers based on information that is spread across multiple documents.

The AI Assistant can reliably retrieve data from complex tables with the PDF documents, unlike any out of the box GPTs or Copilot that we know of. Correct retrieval of such tabular data is critical, as engineering decisions with possibly disastrous consequences depend on it.

The Impact

The deployment of the AI Engineering Assistant has yielded significant benefits for Archirodon.

Enhanced Efficiency
It drastically reduces the time spent on document searches: from an average of 3 hours to just 0.5 hours per day per engineer. This efficiency gain translates to a remarkable 3000 man-hours saved per month across the engineering department.

Risk Mitigation & Cost Saving
It ensures adherence to the latest legal requirements and industry standards, which reduces the risk of costly errors and rework, project delays, legal penalties, and reputational damage.

Faster Project Turnaround Time
The solution accelerates project timelines enabling faster time-to-market and enhances productivity, showcasing Archirodon's leadership in leveraging AI for engineering efficiency.

This double award-winning partnership and the deployment of the AI Engineering Assistant not only optimize Archirodon's resource allocation but also position the company for sustained growth, significantly reinforcing its competitive standing within the industry.

“Our collaboration with Satori Analytics has enabled us to harness cutting-edge AI, saving many man-hours each month. This allows our engineers to focus on what they do best—delivering high-quality engineering solutions with unmatched precision.” A quote from the Archirodon Group team

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